“Hassle Free”

Let Us Setup QuickBooks for You… Avoid Days (or Potential Weeks) of Hassle and Aggravation!

It’s true, QuickBooks is flexible and easy to use, and although you and/or your staff are probably entirely capable of installing and setting up your QuickBooks software, we have found that most clients prefer the benefits of having a professional get the system up and running for them.

Our experience allows us to review your current bookkeeping system and your future bookkeeping needs, and then setup your QuickBooks program so that it works for you, flawlessly, right from the start. You don’t have to waste your time, or the valuable time of an employee, taking the time to figure out what methods of accounting you use, what chart of accounts you will need for your business and how to properly enter beginning balances. As well, our expert provides training on the QuickBooks software, increasing efficiency and knowledge of your new accounting method immediately rather than prolonging the inevitable learning curve as your bookkeepers figure out the ins and outs of the system.

When hiring us to setup QuickBooks for your business, you will not lose any time to installation and setup of the system. We will…

  • review your current accounting system and determine your needs, including the setup and design of your QuickBooks accounting management software.
  • determine your best start date and load balances as of that start date, including outstanding accounts receivable and outstanding accounts payable as of that start date.
  • prepare the list of services, inventory items, non-inventory items, any additional charges, and sales tax that you will bill to your customers.
  • enter any transactions as of your start date into the QuickBooks system.
  • train you or a member of your staff to use QuickBooks to meet all of your accounting and financial management needs.
  • follow up training to make sure the system is working seamlessly for your business.
  • monthly, quarterly, or annual review of data to make sure you are on track for tax preparation and the necessary management reports to build your business.

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Year-End Business Tax Strategy for East Los Angeles SMB Owners

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The Infrastructure Act and Your East Los Angeles Business

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Chris Gelfuso’s Thoughts on Being Thankful in Difficulty

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East Los Angeles Business Owners: Beware the Sales Tax Nexus

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How East Los Angeles Businesses Can Build a Quality Prospect List

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